Calling All CCPT Supervisors!!
Thank you for your interest in helping me build a directory of exclusively Child-Centered Play Therapy Supervisors!
This is a resource that is desparately needed.
I’m Dr. Brenna Hicks. You might know me as the host of the Play Therapy Podcast. You probably got here because you saw something I posted, or from my podcast.
I’m a strong advocate for being supervised by someone with your same theoretical orientation.
I talk to play therapists all over the world on a daily basis and I hear their struggles. One common struggle I hear is that they aren’t being supervised by a CCPT-S and it’s causing frustration and problems, and ultimately, it’s a disservice to the kids they serve. That bothers me.
Well, when I’m bothered, I like to do something about it. That is why my husband (who is a web developer and search engine expert) and I are building a directory so that pre-licensed play therapists who feel compelled towards the CCPT model can find a qualified supervisor.
If you are a play therapist supervisor who has expertise in and adheres to the child-centered model, please consider filling out the form below so we can begin the work of building and promoting a directory to serve CCPT therapists.
I will contact you directly, shortly after, to get more details so we can build the directory.
Thank you in helping me with this effort!
– Brenna