Podcast Episodes
CCPT Purism: How The Guerneys and Filial Therapy Extended the CCPT Model
In this episode of the CCPT Purism series, I explore the work of Bernard and Louise Guerney, who extended the principles of child-centered play therapy beyond the playroom through the development of filial therapy. Their innovation marked a major turning point in the...
Supporting Parents Through Divorce: A Conversation with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
In this special episode, I’m joined by Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby—licensed psychologist, marriage and family therapist, and founder of Growing Self Counseling & Coaching—to talk about one of the most challenging dynamics we face as CCPTs: supporting children of divorce...
CCPT Purism: From Rogers to Axline and the Eight Principles That Shaped the Child-Centered Play Therapy Model
In this episode of the CCPT Purism series, I take you through the foundational role of Virginia Axline in translating Carl Rogers’ person-centered theory into what we now know as Child-Centered Play Therapy. Axline worked closely with Rogers and applied his concepts...
Playroom Representation: Sensitivity Without Over-Complication
In this episode, I answer a question from Mia in California about how to approach dollhouse families and representation in the CCPT playroom. We don’t often talk about specific toys, so I enjoyed diving into how children use dolls and figures to create family...
When Kids Say “Stop Copying Me”, Session Outside? Sandtray Use? Can I Take This Toy Home? Answering Real CCPT Questions
In this episode, I answer questions from Heather, who provides play therapy in a boys’ home setting for ages 10–12. We cover a wide range of topics, including how to respond when a child says “stop copying me” during reflective responding, how to handle requests to do...
CCPT Purism: The Core Tenets & Conditions That Shaped Child-Centered Play Therapy
In this episode, I continue the CCPT Purism series with a deep dive into the core tenets and core conditions of Child-Centered Play Therapy. I walk through Rogers' foundational ideas—including the tendency to actualize, self-concept, and the organismic valuing...
When Directive Play Therapy Backfires: A Case for CCPT
In this episode, I respond to a question from Sasha in Oregon about a challenging session with a 9-year-old client. She attempted to incorporate directive techniques to help him process his anger, but he resisted by shutting down and saying "no" to everything. This...
CCPT Purism (New Series): How Rogers Broke the Rules—And Changed Child-Centered Play Therapy Forever
In this episode, I kick off a brand new series: CCPT Purism—a deep dive into what it truly means to be a pure Child-Centered Play Therapist. I’ve seen a growing trend where therapists think they are practicing CCPT, but in reality, they’ve drifted from full adherence...
Room Wrecking, Risk-Taking, and Sensory-Seeking: What’s Behind the Play?
In this episode, I answer a question from Danielle in Georgia about a six-year-old child processing grief after the loss of his father. His play includes room wrecking, risk-taking, and sensory-seeking behaviors, and Danielle wanted insight into how these might relate...
Fine Tuning Limit-Setting: Clarifying the “A” in the ACT Framework
In this episode, I clarify the difference between reflecting feelings as a standalone reflective response and reflecting feelings within limit-setting (ACT model). While both serve important functions in CCPT, they operate differently—one builds emotional vocabulary,...
Keeping CCPT on Track: When a Child Refuses to Stay in the Playroom
In this episode, I answer a question from Hannah in Texas about what to do when a child leaves the playroom mid-session—especially when limits have already been set. This is one of the most common challenges in CCPT, and it brings up important questions about...
When Limit-Setting Feels Endless & Does Setting Limits in CCPT Feel Coercive? Let’s Clarify
In this episode, I answer two questions from Michal in New York. The first question explores whether setting limits in CCPT could feel manipulative or coercive to a child, particularly when giving ultimate choices. I clarify how proper limit-setting—when done with...
When a Child Falls Asleep in Play Therapy: Trusting the CCPT Process
In this episode, I answer a question from Chris about working with a 14-year-old client who frequently falls asleep during play therapy sessions. This situation raises important considerations about the role of trusting the process in CCPT, recognizing when a child is...
Adulthood Bias: The Barrier to Parents Understanding Children’s Behavior
In this episode, I introduce the concept of adulthood bias—the tendency for adults to forget what it was like to be a child, leading to unrealistic expectations for children's behavior. This bias causes adults to assume that children should think, reason, and...
When You and the Child Don’t Speak the Same Language in CCPT
In this episode, I address a question about the role of verbal communication in CCPT. Research shows that play therapy is effective even when the therapist and child don’t speak the same language, yet verbal interaction is a key part of the process. I explain how both...