When Limit-Setting Feels Endless & Does Setting Limits in CCPT Feel Coercive? Let’s Clarify
In this episode, I answer two questions from Michal in New York. The first question explores whether setting limits in CCPT could feel manipulative or coercive to a child, particularly when giving ultimate choices. I clarify how proper limit-setting—when done with validation and neutrality—empowers children rather than controlling them. I also explain the importance of structuring limits to maintain the integrity of the therapeutic relationship.
The second question focuses on working with a highly impulsive child who frequently tests limits, struggles with regulation, and seems to forget boundaries each session. I break down why repeated limit-setting is still beneficial, how to balance structure with freedom in CCPT, and why trust and patience are essential when working with dysregulated children. If you’ve ever questioned whether you’re setting “too many” limits in session, this episode provides insight into how to keep sessions both therapeutic and child-centered.
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